
Creating peace, harmony, health and happiness in your life

True Happiness comes from within...

Do not rely on sources outside yourself to make you happy – no “one” and no “thing” can make you happy. Be your own best friend and soul mate, be kind to yourself but most importantly be true to yourself.

Take responsibility for your life...

Yes, that's right!! The good the bad and the down right frustrating. Most of you will have heard the term “happiness comes from within” or perhaps “life is what you make it”. Take special note on what impact your influence has on people and situations in your life. If we are blind to our own part on the problems in our lives then it blinds us to prospective solutions. If we on the other hand take responsibility for our own thoughts, words and actions, then we gain a sense of control over our lives.

Set some Goals...

Allow yourself to dream…What is it that you truly want? What will make you truly happy? Once you have a goal in mind, break it up into do-able steps and start working towards what it is that you truly want. Instant solutions generally don’t work, are not lasting and are rarely satisfying.

Get rid of toxicity...

There are many toxic influences in our lives that are not conducive to achieving our goals. Certain people, habits, negative beliefs, clutter, intolerance, jealousy, hatred and a wide range of other things can have a toxic influence in your life. Clear your life of anything that is not supportive of you reaching your goals (or find an alternative way to deal with them).

Remember the law of Karma...

In short, what you give out you get back. Treat others how you would like to be treated, take care of the environment, show kindness without expecting anything in return. If you give out negativity in your relationships with others or attitudes towards life…do the math…you are unlikely to ever find peace and contentment within your own heart.

Be the change you want to see in others...

Don’t expect other people to change – accept and appreciate them for who they are and then deliberately put your attention on who you want to be. You can change your relationship with people and your environment by focusing on your own thoughts and actions. The only person you have the power to control or change is you.

A final word...

There are always going to be things in our lives that we can’t control, people we love die or let us down, we miss out on that job, people we care about make bad decisions (and we make decisions that with 20/20 hindsight were perhaps less than conducive to our ultimate goals), accidents happen... It is what we make of these circumstances and situations in our lives that is the key to true happiness, we can choose to learn and grow and not repeat the same mistakes or we can choose to blame others and become victims of circumstances.

Light and Love, Maryanne